
Additional outputs
Additional outputs
All the deliverables produced by DETECt will be designed having in mind the interests pursued by the European Commission in promoting research on European identity in different sectors of the cultural sphere.
Two policy briefs will be produced to summarise the research outcomes into a series of recommendations addressed to policy makers. Three research reports synthetizing the outcomes of the investigation conducted about the significance of cultural mobility for the generation of European identity in the production, circulation, consumption and representation of European crime narratives. In addition to these reports, a number of the planned deliverables has been specifically conceived to be beneficial to EC officers in view of the evaluation of research projects in the area of transcultural European studies, as well as the design of new calls for projects to be included in future Framework Programmes.
Discover and read the public deliverables:
WP1 - Project Management. Task leader: UNIBO
WP2 - Setting the frame. Task Leader: KU Leuven
D2.2 An ontological approach to the study of European popular culture (Dowlonad)
D2.3 Creating a transnational learning community (including policy brief annex) (Confidential)
WP3 - Building the infrastructure. Task Leader: UNIBO
D3.1 Human-machine analysis as a tool to study European transcultural identity (Confidential)
D3.2 A MOOC to learn European transcultural identity through European popular culture (Download)
D3.3 Toward a collaborative atlas of European transcultural identity (Public)
WP5 - Creative audiences. Task Leader: QUB
D5.1 European creative audiences (Confidential)
D5.2 Researching European transcultural identity II: Distribution and promotion strategies (Confidential)
D5.3 Using Wikipedia editing to innovate the study of European transcultural identity (Public)
WP6 - Transcultural representations. Task Leader: UNILIM
D6.1 Serial narratives and the unfinished business of European identity (Confidential)
D6.2 Researching European transcultural identity III: Representation (Confidential)
D6.3 Cultural diversity and transcultural hybridization as drivers for the creation of innovative transnational media formats (including policy brief annex) (Public)