All ethical issues are included in WP8.
This work package addresses the “ethics requirements” with which DETECt, as any European-funded projects, must comply. It sets up the procedures and criteria that will be used to identify and recruit research participants in DETECt activities, and describes the protocol for the storage and process of all personal data collected by DETECt scholars.
The WP involves the definition of the informed consent procedures that will be implemented for the participation of any individual in the project, including the designing of templates of the consent/assent forms and information sheets in language and terms intelligible to the participants to interviews, survey, focus, etc.
All documents will be kept on file and submitted upon request by the coordinator to the Agency. In case of further processing of previously collected personal data, relevant authorisations will be obtained and kept on file. A confirmation that the authorisations have been obtained will be submitted to the Agency.
Lead beneficiary: University of Bologna
Months 1-40