Crime Writing – Between Literature, Cinema and TV
Crime Writing – Between Literature, Cinema and TV

Crime Writing
From 20 October, Link Campus University in Rome will host a series of meetings on crime, that will include literature, cinema, and TV series.
What are the techniques and tools a storyteller needs to know to construct his crime story? What makes a character compelling? How do you transfer a story from the page to the screen? How do you choose the settings for a crime story and construct its narrative universe? These are the main themes that will be addressed by the guests.
The first meeting, on 20 October, will be attended by Alessandro Perissinotto, professor of Storytelling at the University of Turin. Perissinotto is the author of some twenty novels translated into 10 languages and has worked extensively, although not exclusively, in the noir genre.
On 21 October it will be the turn of Sofia Assirelli. Born in 1985, Assirelli is a screenwriter of documentaries, feature films and, above all, TV series. Since 2019 she has been head-writer of “La Porta Rossa” together with Giampiero Rigosi.
On 27 October, Sacha Naspini, author of fifteen novels, translated in 22 countries, and many short stories, and Valentina Santini, author, screenwriter, editor, and ghost-writer, will present their work. We will discuss with them the adaptation of the novel “Le case del malcontento – the houses of discontent” (Edizioni E/O) into a forthcoming TV series.
The screenwriter Tommaso Matano will be the guest of the last meeting, scheduled for 11 November. Matano has written the films “Liberi di Scegliere” (2019), “Gli Astronauti” (2022) and the series “Curon” (2020), “Non mi Lasciare” (2021) and “Sopravvissuti” (2022).
The meetings can be live streamed at this link.
For more information, please write to m.coviello[at]
The events are organised by the professors Valentina Re, Stefano Arduini and Massimiliano Coviello, within the Degree Course DAMS – Audiovisual and Theatre Production of Link Campus University, in collaboration with DETECt Project.