DETECting TV series screenwriting: workshop with Tommaso Matano
DETECting TV series screenwriting: workshop with Tommaso Matano

DETECting TV series screenwriting: workshop with Tommaso Matano
Thursday 5 December 2019, 10:30 a.m.
Link Campus University, Classroom 15
Via del Casale di San Pio V, 44 – Rome
How is screenwriting for TV series changing in the streaming age? What is the importance of the crime genre in the new European serial landscape? How is Netflix effecting the Italian production and distribution system?
The workshop “DETECting TV series screenwriting”, organized by the DETECt research team at Link Campus University on December 5th, at 10.30 am, will engage with these topics.
The workshop will be held by the screenwriter for television Tommaso Matano, among the authors of the first Italian TV series for smartphones Somicial Addiction (2017, Fabrica), Liberi di scegliere (2019, Rai Fiction), Curon (soon on Netflix) and Sopravvissuti (Rai Fiction- France Television – ZDF) a mystery-thriller series that will be shot in 2020.
For more information please download the poster.